Half Barrel With Flowers

Written by: Siobhan of Legends

Many people put flowers on top of kegs and barrels for a nice planter effect but after a while, it is very easily identifiable to be “a flower on top of a keg.” This tutorial is a nice flower on top of a half barrel, but we are going to disguise the flower to be a bit more fancy and less like a “generic” game plant.
Items Needed: 

  • 1 Half Barrel (using water trick at an NPC stable)
  • 1 Plain Water Plant
  • 1 Honey Dew
  • 1 Canteloupe
  • 1 Cabbage (purchased from NPC Farmer)

You will need the decorator’s tool.

Place your half barrel where you want your flower to go and lock it down. 

Next, place the water plant on the same tile and lock it down. Raise the water plant 3 times with the decorator’s tool.

Now we are going to add the “flora” to the decor piece. 

Place the honeydew on the tile and lock it down. Raise it 4 times with the decorator’s tool.

Now, place the canteloupe on the tile and lock it down. It will fall below the half barrel, so you will need to use the Ctrl-Shift trick to lock it down. Raise it 4 placements with the deco tool. 

Now to break up the water plant look – place the head of cabbage and lock it down. Raise it 4 placements.

At this point leave your house and refresh (or mount a horse/beetle) and make sure all the pieces remain in their place. Sometimes they will shift – adjust accordingly.

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