This design is best created against a north wall. For my example, it will not be against a wall.
This is a three tile design built from west to east. |
Items Needed:
- 15 Nightshade
- 9 Grape Bunches used in this example.
- 14 Logs
(start ***)
Place and lockdown 2 nightshade in the westernmost tile of your design area. Raise it 10 placements. Place 2 logs under those nightshade and raise it 8 times. Place 2 more nightshade and raise them 8 times.
Place 2 logs and raise 6 placements. Place a single nightshade and raise it 5 placements. Place 2 logs and raise them 4 times. Place another single nightshade and raise it 5 placements.
(end ***) |
We are ready to put some grapes in this design. For the first tile design we will place a single grape bunch and raise it 3 placements.
Place a pile of 2 grape bunches down and raise it 8 placements.
The difference from above is the purple color is added and gives a “hidden” appearance of grapes. |
We are ready to start the center tile of the design. The next tile you are building in is the tile east to the one you just created.
Place 2 nightshade and raise 10 times. Place a pile of 2 logs down and raise 8 times.
Place a single nightshade and raise it 7 times.
Place a pile of 2 grape bunches down and raise it 6 times.
You should have the image on the right: |
We are ready to build the final tile, which is to the east of the tile you just created.
You will do this by following the steps for log and nightshade placement of tile 1 (marked with *** above)
For the grapes, you will place a single bunch down and raise them 9 times. Next place a pile of 2 grape bunches down and raise them 8 times. Next, place your final grape bunch down and raise them 5 times. |
Be sure to leave the house and come back in, forcing your design to reload. The only change I had to make was to raise the bottom single nightshades back up 1 placement and raise the single grape bunch on the 3rd tile built up 1 so it was not blocking the grapes below it.
Voila, creeping grape vines that can easily be “affixed” to any north wall.
